
How to set-up a sensory bin in your piano studio (low budget)

Many of you already know this about me.... I'm a big supporter of play-based piano lessons. Sensory play can be such a game changer when introducing new musical concepts to our young students. Why? To start, here are 5 skills children develop through sensory play: cognitive function fine motor skills exploration & inquiry early literacy… Continue reading How to set-up a sensory bin in your piano studio (low budget)


Why you should let your piano students use playdough in their lessons

Hear me out... there's a benefit to kids using playdough in their piano lessons. When I first started piano teaching, I was so careful to do everything "by the book". Literally, only using method pages to teach. I don't know if any of you can relate, but as I met many more new students over… Continue reading Why you should let your piano students use playdough in their lessons


Halloween Activities for Piano Lessons

Halloween is such a fun time in our piano studio! From Halloween repertoire to spooky activities, we embrace the festivities. Here are some activity ideas you can use this spooky season: Rhythm Activities One activity I love to do with my students is create rhythms using Halloween words. First we brainstorm a list of words… Continue reading Halloween Activities for Piano Lessons